
Hangzhou Wuzhou Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. was established on January 22, 2003. At the beginning of its establishment, the company established the mission of fighting hard for humans to avoid the pain of cancer, and is committed to the implementation of primary prevention of gastric cancer. Currently, the company has four branches across the country. Institutions, services covering four medical institutions in Zhejiang, Shanxi, Gansu, and Tianjin to promote the China National Nuclear Corporation's Haidewei breath test, early diabetes risk screening of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other related projects.

Established the Zhejiang Wuzhou Stomach Health Charity Foundation, and invested in the creation of its own product research and development. It has a 1,000-square-meter GMP production plant. So far, the company has long-term cooperation with more than 3,000 medical units, and more than 20 million people have been exhaled. To test and detect Hp, the company is committed to promoting the coverage of gastric cancer primary prevention products and services, and strives to become the best professional service leader for early gastric cancer diagnosis in China!

    • GMP production plant

    • Cooperative medical unit

    • A total of more than 10 million people have enjoyed the breath test to detect Hp

    • Company History

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Keep your stomach healthy

  • Service Hotline: 0571-85392896
  • Fax: 0571-85392896
  • Address:807, Block C, Zijin Plaza, Gudun Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
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